With the onset of the British Summer Time, the long-awaited departure of the Beasts from the East, and a healthy dose of sunshine finally breaking through the perpetually cloudy British skies, we have decided to call it springtime. That means breaking out our walking shoes for some beautiful country hikes, lunchtime coffees in the sun, and most importantly – time for a long-awaited spring cleaning here at #MWCHQ. Alas, as our office space is virtual in every sense of the word, our cleaning techniques are somewhat different from what you’d encounter in any other office environment.
We started this hefty task with a meeting to map out what the rest of the year should look like. That meant updating our strategy and developing new, exciting ways to work with collaborators. As our industry is always in constant motion, our business and working methods need to mirror that, so we strive to change for the better with every tweet, report, website, film and graphic design we produce.
Numerous coffees and strategy plans later, we emerged with a plan for MWC 2.0! So, what can you look forward to from us for the rest of the year?
Getting Graphic:
A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes. We have always used striking imagery to tell stories of sustainability here at MWC, but this year we plan on upscaling our graphic design services. We will be working on acquiring more stunning marine imagery and using them to create beautiful, engaging, and informative graphic design for our collaborators.
The Mindful Megaphone:
We want to take piscine podcasting to the next level by launching our very own podcast. This idea is still in the making, so no spoilers ahead I am afraid, but we are currently working on taking on audio platforms to help our collaborators share their knowledge more widely and will also be using this knowledge to launch MWC’s own podcast soon. In the meantime, we share our #KeenMarine insider tips and tricks through our social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn, and of course, this very blog! 😊
Move into Marketing:
Finally, the last of our big shifts this year is not so much a new one, as marketing is something we have done for quite some time, but we will now start offering our collaborators immaculately designed Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Value Proposition (VP) packages to help them map out potential clients and collaborators and take their branding to the next level. You might be wondering what those words might mean? That is a subject for another blog coming up soon, so watch this space for more on that front!
Want to write a piece on what #SpringCleaning means for your business/desk/project? Get in touch.