October 17th, 2019
Well… where do I megrim? (There’s plenty more where that came from, so anchor down!)
When reflecting on my time here at Mindfully Wired, some tweet-frenzied afternoons, several video-editing scares and a fair few typos spring to mind, but the lasting impression of my five months here is one of support, creativity and lots of fish puns.
If left to my own devices, I would go on and on about the beauty of this lovely little team until the sea cows come home. But to spare you all the lengthy read, I thought I’d share my top ten perks of being an MWC intern instead.
1. You talk about fish all day, everyday
Okay, I’m already skua-ing the truth. We talk about seabirds too! But between all of the projects I have had the pleasure of working on at MWC, there has been one common bream (cough, theme), and that’s fish. For an ocean-fanatic like myself, it’s been a treat to fully submerge myself in the underwater world of #FishComms.
2. Social media no longer terrifies me
Sure, I’d shared a couple sunset instas – and haven’t we all posted that beautiful #brunch pic? But the minefield that is Twitter is a whole new *trawl* game. From analytics to graphics, from videos to polls; Twitter may never be conquered, but I’ve made significant progress in easing my social media anxiety.
3. The Brizzle Drizzle
Who wouldn’t love the opportunity to do a dream internship, in the #DreamTeam, in your dream UK city? Bristol has it all. Falafel? You’re sorted. What seems to be an infinite amount of marine-related street art? We’ve got it covered. An all-round feeling of environmental consciousness? You’re laughing. Bristol is the true home of us #KeenMarines.

Marine graffiti in Bedminster, Bristol. 📷: Noa Leach.
4. It’s all about the confidence
Pressing ‘Publish’ on that post you’ve spent several years tweaking to fit within the character limit is a surprisingly mean feat. Since I’ve now produced hundreds of separate posts, the idea of sharing my work with thousands of people no longer seems so daunting. The pre-publish jitters may never completely go, but let’s just say I now don’t give a flying fish about what people may think of my (slightly lacking) fish puns.
5. Understanding our roots
Growing up near Grimsby and Hull, I was always aware of the importance of fishing. However I don’t think I quite acknowledged the industry’s wide-reaching impact; fishing is not just a job, it has economic, social and, believe it or not, cultural significance that is too often dismissed. Whether it’s kippers for breakfast or fish and chips for tea, fishing for our staples is as traditional as it gets.
6. Fisherman’s Friends
Fishermen are some of the best people around. Fact. On our MWC Cornwall trip back in June, I had the absolute pleasure of bumping into a few on the quay at Newlyn. If I had to sum up fishermen in five words, I would say; always want to be photographed. After a few laughs and a couple of pub invites, I was completely sold. What a bunch!
7. Seafood staples
Alongside me falling hook, line and sinker for fishermen, the same can be said for the fruits of their labour. Being part of MWC has opened my eyes to the sheer diversity of sustainable seafood you can get in the UK; hake, gurnard, sardines, crab – you name it, we’ve probably got it! It’s easy to get your hands on, a breeze to cook and a delight to eat.
Sole meunière, prepared by the MWC team for an exciting upcoming project. Eyes peeled! 👀
📷: Harriet Yates-Smith.
8. Making safety cool
A clear highlight for me has been working with Clare and Clive at Seafood Cornwall Training, an organisation that’s dedicated to improving safety within the fishing industry. Considering fishing is the single most dangerous profession in the country, this is not something to go into lightly. Clive has estimated that there has been a 40% increase in life jacket use around Cornish ports since June (he may be a slightly biased source) and for that I’m very proud.
9. Understanding the story of sustainability
One of the most valuable things I’ve learnt from my time here at MWC is that every level of the industry has to be considered when telling this story of sustainability. Without ensuring the safety of those who catch our fish, there is no chance that we will be able to properly invest in recruitment. Without collaboration between fishermen and policy makers, there will be no progress. That is why I’m so proud to have worked for this small but mighty consultancy as we are making sure those links are established. I know, very cool stuff.
10. Mindfully-wired superstars
When you work within a team of such tremendous, creative and mindfully-wired individuals, work never really feels like work. Although to the untrained eye we may look like we are just chatting, laughing and eating chocolate biscuits (granted, we do definitely do those things), we’re hive-minding, collaborating and helping each other, and that is truly special.
Well, that’s me signing off for now. But it’s not goodbye, it’s just sea you later!

MWC’s Harriet (Project Manager), Sara (Policy Projects Manager), and Sophie (outgoing Communications Intern) having some fun in Newlyn, Cornwall. 📷: Noa Leach.